I have EYEONET DVR Is there a way I can get an update? Or upgrade to 5.1?
Answer by
Robert Polubinski
There is a version of the EYEONET DVR, but it's not available for public. You will have to register as a dealer or log-in on the member;s area in order to download the latest update to the application.
"These manuals and software are available to our dealers only. If you are existing dealer, please log in here. If you are not yet, please register as a new dealer. Someone will contact with you shortly" - Eyeonet website.
Launch the software, select your profile from the provided list and click the Edit button below Add. Remove the asterisk password from the last field and type the new one. After that, click OK and restart the application. If you have issues, you can use [email protected] email address or 1-877-966-1691 phone number to get in touch with the developers.
First, you need to add your cameras server address in the application list. Launch the software, click Add, select TCP/IP as server type, enter a server name and type the IP address in the provided field. Click the Default button next to Port No and enter your name in the User field. Check the Remember password box and type a password in the last box. Click OK, select the Server from the provided list and click Login. After that, type the password, and wait the application to connect. If you don't have the software installed on your computer, you need to contact the developers because the application is not available for public downloading. You can get in touch with them using [email protected] email address or 1-877-966-1691 phone number.
I have EYEONET DVR Is there a way I can get an update? Or upgrade to 5.1?
There is a version of the EYEONET DVR, but it's not available for public. You will have to register as a dealer or log-in on the member;s area in order to download the latest update to the application.
"These manuals and software are available to our dealers only. If you are existing dealer, please log in here. If you are not yet, please register as a new dealer. Someone will contact with you shortly" - Eyeonet website.
Login URL: https://www.eyeonet.com/login?rd=/support/manualDownload
Note: if you don't have an account, register for one using the form on the page linked above.
Launch the software, select your profile from the provided list and click the Edit button below Add. Remove the asterisk password from the last field and type the new one. After that, click OK and restart the application. If you have issues, you can use [email protected] email address or 1-877-966-1691 phone number to get in touch with the developers.
First, you need to add your cameras server address in the application list. Launch the software, click Add, select TCP/IP as server type, enter a server name and type the IP address in the provided field. Click the Default button next to Port No and enter your name in the User field. Check the Remember password box and type a password in the last box. Click OK, select the Server from the provided list and click Login. After that, type the password, and wait the application to connect. If you don't have the software installed on your computer, you need to contact the developers because the application is not available for public downloading. You can get in touch with them using [email protected] email address or 1-877-966-1691 phone number.